
Being Honest and Real With Your Employees Will Make You a Better Manager

As a manager, how open and honest are you with your employees? Do you adopt a closed “work persona” or do you share a bit more of your personal life, thoughts, weaknesses and character?

Being more honest and real with your employees can help you to build a better relationship with them and become a better manager. Here are some great leadership and management training for being more open:

Share Your Personality

There is no need for you to be an untouchable superhuman “boss” figure that shows no personality or vulnerability. You can feel free to be the real person that you are. Don’t be afraid to share your personal life with the people that you work with and encourage your employees to do the same.

You don’t have to share everything with your staff, but keeping communications open can help your employees understand what is going on behind the scenes. Also, leadership and management training on building relationships will help your team see you and each other in a new light and build a more positive work atmosphere. Why not try scheduling fun activities and meeting up for lunch or drinks with your staff after work?

Admit when you make a Mistake

The common tendency with some managers is to try to be a perfect entity who never does anything wrong. You might feel that admitting your mistakes, shortcomings and lack of knowledge to your co-workers will make yourself vulnerable and decrease their respect for you.

However, the opposite is true. Your employees know that you are only human and if you admit to a mistake and apologize they will appreciate your honesty and respect you more. Everyone likes to see their manager taking responsibility for their own mistakes and this is a big part of leadership and management training.

Creating a culture of honesty within your workplace will encourage others to be truthful and transparent as well. By improving yourself with this leadership and management training tip you will be setting a good example and creating a space where all employees will feel encouraged being upfront with each other.

By being more open with your employees you will also be letting them know that you are not some untouchable power high up above them, but rather you are working along with them to achieve goals together.

Are you looking for some leadership and management training to become a better manager? Why not try being more open and honest in order to build stronger relationships with your employees?