
Benefits of Laser Skin Tightening for Facial Rejuvenation

There are a number of effective methods available these days to help reduce the signs of aging. Laser skin tightening can help to minimise wrinkles and sagging skin for a more youthful look.

What is Laser Skin Tightening?

Laser skin tightening is a non-invasive procedure that does not involve surgery. This means you will not need to worry about having a general anaesthetic or undergoing long recovery times. With laser skin tightening an infrared light will be used to heat the collagen that sits just under the skin. This regenerates the collagen and will cause the skin to tighten and firm up. This will reduce saggy, loose skin and also minimise wrinkles. Immediate effects can be seen following laser skin tightening treatments which makes it a popular choice for those looking to combat the signs of ageing.

Is Laser Skin Tightening Right for You?

Laser skin tightening is effective on the face and neck so if you feel you could improve the skin in these areas this type of treatment could be right for you.

This non-invasive treatment is suitable for most skin types and is ideal if you want to achieve a more youthful look without any painful or lengthy surgical procedures.

A cosmetic dermatologist will review your skin and advise whether laser skin tightening could help you achieve the results you are looking for.

They will also be able to suggest which laser skin tightening system would be most appropriate for your skin type.

Laser skin tightening is not painful and the technology available ensures that although the collagen is heated with the infrared laser your skin is cooled at the same time.

This prevents the skin from being damaged by the heat. The only effects that you should notice after the procedure is temporary redness and sensitivity to the skin on the treated areas.

In some cases if you have very sensitive skin you may need to additional monitoring during the process.

How Much Does it Cost?

This will depend on which laser skin tightening system you opt for and the extent of the area of skin treated. Laser skin tightening can provide immediate and long lasting effects and is considerably less costly than the more invasive cosmetic surgery options such as face lifts.

You can talk over the costs of laser skin tightening with a cosmetic dermatologist. This straightforward procedure can be an effective way to give a smoother look to skin.