
Boot Camp Diet Plan

If you are overweight then it’s very likely that you will have struggled with your weight for a long time. You have probably tried out several diets too, but without seeing any results quickly it is all too easy to give up the diet and return to bad habits. It’s impossible to become overweight overnight and changing the patterns which have led them to get that way can take a long time and a lot of effort, but if a person sees quick results early on in their diet it is much more likely that they will continue, spurred on by their initial weight loss.

One such diet and exercise plan which can produce really good results and an initial weight loss of around 10 pounds in just a few days is the boot camp diet plan. The boot camp diet works well because it only allows nutritious, low fat and natural foods to be consumed. It also uses very tough military style exercises to get the body into shape. It is by no means an easy diet to be on – the physical activity alone is very challenging – but for anyone who is sick of being fat and wants to see good results whilst having the opportunity to seriously change their lives and the way they think about foot and exercise the boot camp diet plan may be for them.

Boot Camp Diet Plan

A typical daily menu for the day when taking part in the boot camp diet plan would be as follows:

Breakfast – Porridge with nuts, seeds and fruit.

Midmorning Snack – Berries and seeds

Lunch – Quinoa and prawn salad with lime

Mid-afternoon snack – Apple and banana

Dinner – Chicken salad with sweet potatoes

As you can see, this is a very healthy menu which should not leave you feeling hungry or zapped of energy. The regular meals will really help to give you energy for the exercise component of the boot camp diet plan.


On a boot camp diet plan you will be required to exercise throughout the day. A typical day could start with yoga, then move on to a walk at lunch and circuit training in the evening. This will produce results. offers a great boot camp diet plan, to learn more visit their website today.