
Car Remapping

Car remapping is growing in popularity. More and more people are realising that by having their car remapped they can get more performance out of their car and enjoy using it even more.

What Is Car Remapping

Modern cars have several computers built into them. These computers control various systems. Most of these systems are electronically controlled. Each car that has electrical systems installed in them will also have circuit boards with microchips on them that hold the firmware that controls each system. There are still electrical systems in cars without circuit boards, for example, most electric chair control systems and electric windows system are not controlled by a computer.

However, many engine management systems are controlled by a kind of basic computer, at least in part. Examples of these kinds of systems include turbo control, timing and the mix of fuel.

Manufactures program or map their cars to perform to their optimum at the standard speeds of 30mph, 60mph and 70mph. They want the majority of drivers to enjoy driving their cars, so they concentrate on providing an optimum experience at the most typical speeds people travel at.

In addition, they realise that people do not always maintain their cars, as they should. For this reason, they try to anticipate the things people will neglect, such as servicing, buying a new battery and build contingency to deal with these things into the way the car’s engine runs. This is done to reduce the chances of the car breaking down as a result of these types of neglect. A reliable car is more important to most consumers than a slightly faster car.

Re-mapping re programmes these systems to perform at their optimum. This allows you to get more performance out of your car and in some cases better petrol consumption.

Where to Get Car Remapping Done

It is important to get your car remapping done by a professional. If you let someone who does not really know what they are doing do it, you could end up with a car that performs worse than it did before rather than better after re-mapping.

ECU Remapping offers the best car remapping service available. They have years of experience which means they offer a truly professional and reliable service.