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Car Repairs Essex – Succumb; loosen the purse strings- just a touch. The bottle of perfume can wait; your car can’t.

Car repairs Essex: your initial thought? ‘not again!’ It’s a given- you don’t exactly run to the telephone table in eager anticipation of the task that awaits you; trawling through the Yellow Pages in search of a car repairs Essex company who can service your motor back to its former glory. Indeed, it’s bad enough that you need car repairs Essex in the first place but when there are so many other items on your ‘to buy’ list, car repairs Essex really needs to be at the bottom.

However, it’s a sad fact that there are times in life where car repairs Essex go from being undesirable to in fact, essential and you must succumb to the lock and chain that enrobes your tightly secured wallet. No matter how well you tend to the every need of your Mini Cooper or tinker with the electrics in your Beemer, at some point it will probably fall foul to everyday use and require car repairs Essex.

To be fair, car repairs Essex CAN be undertaken at home but then again, there aren’t many people out there with the knowledge or skills to perform car repairs Essex to the high calibre of professional car repairs Essex with a background in car repairs Essex to match. And, it is times like these where you really must look for a reputable supplier of car repairs Essex to cater for your passion wagon’s needs.

Here at Mercury Car Centre, we are a team dedicated to your car repairs Essex and, not a company to be pigeon- holed, we don’t just supply standardised car repairs Essex, we also provide our loyal, returning customer with services, engine tuning and automatic transmission services, alongside a whole lot more!

We remain committed to being an affordable company for car repairs Essex by constantly seeking the market for revolutionary, inexpensive methods of car servicing and car repair Essex and we aren’t afraid to develop new methods of practice upon discovering new technologies and products.

If your vehicle needs some TLC, look no further than us here at Mercury for your car repairs Essex: we won’t be beaten on price and quality- that’s a promise.



Car Repairs Essex from We provide the customer with excellent customer service with the reassurance that your car is maintained professionally at a reduced cost. Visit Car Servicing Essex.