
Catering Disposables Save time arguing over washing up!

If you are one of those people who detests washing up after Christmas dinner; the type of person who would prefer to abstain from the traditional turkey, just to avoid soaking and scrubbing the baking tray afterwards and the kind of person who would pay big bucks for someone else to wash up for them; then you’ll understand why catering professionals choose to use catering disposables as opposed to their finest china, best table cloths, dishes, bowls or plates.

Catering disposables can help you avoid the hassle of cleaning and wiping up after large group events and can include anything from: cutlery and straws to table cloths, napkins and even doyleys. Although catering disposables are used predominantly in the catering industry, many households Worldwide are choosing to purchase small-scale catering disposables just to save time and money after family occasions for example.

If you operate within any of the following industries: outside catering, events management, school canteen management, workplace canteen management or hospital catering; you might be interested in the huge range of catering disposables online at Starlight Packaging.

Since the birth of Starlight Packaging some years ago; they have fast become the UK leading food trade supplier specialists. Providing anything and on whatever scale- small or large- from Polystyrene trays, ideally suited for a fish ‘n’ chip shop; tabards and aprons for public safety and even Christmas tableware, their vast array of catering disposables is both enviable and unbeatable elsewhere.

Offering FREE delivery on catering disposables over 20.00 in value, Starlight Packaging offers discounts for returning loyal customers and your catering disposables will be safely on your doorstep as quick as ever possible and in one piece.

To find out more about the safe, strong and affordable catering disposables on offer right now, visit today!



Catering Disposables from We are the one stop site of all of your catering needs. Visit us for Polystyrene Trays.