Construction & Maintenance

Choosing Playground Equipment

School playground equipment can help children develop physically while also improving their self-confidence, enabling them to develop greater social skills, and letting them burn off energy so that they can concentrate on schoolwork and learning. There are many different items that can be installed in the playground, each of them offering different benefits and advantages. Whether space is restricted or you require equipment that will fill a larger space you can choose mobile or permanent items designed to help children develop.


Obesity and weight problems are common among children in the UK. Part of the problem is down to children not taking enough regular exercise. By introducing play equipment that encourages the children to partake in healthy exercise it is possible to help them lose weight and get fit, thereby reducing the impact of obesity and being overweight.


Different items help children to develop different areas of the body. This development is important because it helps to ensure that children are developing physically, while at school, as well as mentally. Having a good variety and range of equipment means that they will be able to develop more fully and enjoy a better level of all-round fitness. The use of a variety of items also means that children will run from one item to another, giving them good cardiovascular exercise too.


Safety is important when designing a playground and whether you opt for a small handful of items or a whole range of equipment you should ensure that safety is at the fore of your decision. Individual items should be chosen for their safety and additional features like the surface of the floor should also be considered highly important. The ground needs some strength and substance but without being so hard that it will lead to injury and damage.


Designing and creating the perfect school playground means considering all aspects of the design. You should ensure that you have the most appropriate items, which can range from trim trails to climbing frames and more, but it is also vital that you ensure the play area is set up so that it is safe and secure for use by all the children. has a large range of high quality playground equipment . Choose from a variety of floor surfaces as well as trim trails, frames, and other beneficial playground equipment items.