Clothing & Accessories

Clothes Airers – Pegging out has never been so easy!

Electronically powered tumble dryers gobble up energy; that’s a fact. In fact, the average tumble dryer has a carbon footprint of approximately 2 kg of Carbon Dioxide per load of laundry dried and over drying (which results in a greater power necessity) is an all-too-common occurrence that is having a detrimental effect on our environment. Despite the introduction of sensor dryers that terminate power upon completion of the drying process, tumble dryers still remain a drain on our planet’s sustainability.

Welcome to GNU clothes Airers- a new era of clothes dryers that are wiping out tumble dryers worldwide!

With almost two decades experience in providing clothes airers and clothes dryers, racks and shelving units for a veritable plethora of customers not just nationwide, but across the globe here at GNU Racks, we are are fast becoming the number one suppliers affordable yet effective laundry systems, all competitively priced and with an equally superior standard of customer service and guidance to boot.

No one could’ve imagined 15 years ago just how many new –GNU -clothes airers and clothes dryers we would have currently residing on the market in 2012! Not only do we supply our customers with standard clothes airers that can play host to any amount of mucky smalls but we also supreme clothes airers- ornate in design and ideal for larger family requirements; utility clothes airers that commercially are beneficial within care home settings and hotel chains alike and even the unique Rachel Maid Pulley operated clothes airers that add another dimension to modern home spaces and cluttered abodes alike.

Sometimes in life, the old ideas remain the best and indeed, we are so proud of our entire range of GNU clothes airers (that require zero power other than man power alone) that we aren’t ashamed to tell any innocent by- standers just how incredibly good value for money they are and to highlight, recently made our clothes airers and clothes dryers public at both the Shropshire County show and the Shrewsbury Flower Show where on both occasions they proved extremely successful and we sold more clothes airers than ever before!

Put your clothes out to dry and fight back against environmental decline at the same time! Clothes airers from GNU- Racks, call or visit us for more information today.



Clothes Airers from We are a leading online supplier of quality Clothes Dryers for the best prices around– Visit us today for more information!