Travel & Leisure

Cutting the Costs of Holidays to Algarve Destinations

The Algarve is a beautiful region in Portugal. It is very popular with visitors from all around the world for its stunning beaches, warm climate and tasty cuisine. If you are on a tight budget then here are a few tips to help you cut the costs of your holidays to Algarve destinations.

Cheap Flights

The Algarve is only a 3 hour flight from the UK. Because it is so popular there are plenty of flights available year-round. This means that there is a competitive market place so there are some good deals on offer if you look around.

· Using online price checker websites is one of the best ways you can make savings on your holidays to Algarve destinations.

· You could save as much as 60% on the standard price of airline tickets simply by comparing prices online.

· It helps if you book as early as possible. Leaving your bookings to the last minute can really restrict your options. This means you may end up paying a lot more for your ticket than you needed to.


Although package deals can be a lot more convenient they often mean you are not getting the very best deals for your accommodation. If you take the time to look around for your own hotel for your holidays to Algarve destinations you could make some great savings.

· You can look at hotels available in the Algarve online. You will be able to check availability and prices at just the click of a button.

· This will allow you to compare prices across a range of hotels and at different times of the year.

· For example you may find that you could save money on the same room just by booking two weeks earlier or later in the year.

· You may also find some great deals being offered by hotels that give you more for your money. Cheap room upgrades or additional nights free are often offered in the off-peak seasons to attract more business.

. You may also save money by booking online through third party websites. Many hotel price comparison websites can offer deals when rooms are reserved and paid for through their secure online booking systems. This is because they will earn a commission on every room they sell through their website.

There are some great ways to cut the costs of holidays to Algarve destinations. This will help to make sure you are getting the most for your money for your next holiday.