
Display your Lust for Life

Do you reign supreme in the jewellery industry and need an easy affordable way to convey your company’s image of opulence, expense and grandeur? Don’t simply concentrate on sourcing the very best jewels from the furthest climbs of the globe- where gold mines are rich and fruitful and pearls are ripe for the picking- consider how a jewellery display can convey your message in a simpler, more affordable fashion.

But what is a jewellery display? You may be thinking and, surely without a jewellery display, I can just arrange my trinkets in an ‘A’ to ‘B’ way; the platinum bands could be positioned under the brightest lights, and the mood rings behind; where they can be seen? And idiotic question to some, but one us here at Packaging World, a question that we are presented with more often than you may think. Well, not just a functional item of necessity; a jewellery box can be symbolic, emblematic and aesthetically appropriate to your business and brand. Indeed, a bespoke jewellery display can be supremely accommodating and highly effective as a marketing tool.

A roomy, well designed jewellery display stand can spark a customer’s imagination and have them adding something from your jewellery collection onto their Christmas list or conversely, a poorly manufactured jewellery display can fade into the background and fail to entice new custom. For instance, a decent jewellery display feature will reflect your style, personality and lust for pizzazz just as they should target the tastes of your target audience whereas a haphazard jewellery display will scream “Half Price Sale at Primark!” and have your offerings looking somewhat shoddy and thrown together.

So, with a jewellery stand from Packaging World, you can be creative with props, backgrounds and textures and use the jewellery display stand as a stage to embellish with your choice of design. Whether you choose a jewellery display to connote a united front where one collection resides at a safe distance from another, yet near enough to make a connection; or a fun, flamboyant jewellery display stand to appeal to the younger generation- we promise to have the perfect, affordable jewellery display stand for you!

“Mother of Pearl, what a lovely jewellery display!” – visit to find out more.

Show off your stock and handmade crafts in a Packaging World Jewellery Display. With a range of stands to display your wares on and the prettiest jewellery gift packaging for your customers to take home, Packaging World is here to help!