Financial Services

Don’t Forget Horsebox Insurance

Horsebox insurance is something that you really should not neglect to put into place before you even consider driving your horses around in one. It is shocking just how many horse owners do not have and have not even heard of horsebox insurance because it really is something which is absolutely vital for those who are going to be using a horsebox to transport their precious animals.

Horsebox Insurance

Horsebox insurance, which is sometimes referred to as horse trailer insurance, is a type of insurance which is little known, but which is very important for those who indulge in equestrian hobbies, events and work.

Horsebox insurance provides coverage when a horse is in transit, so whenever a horse owner is moving their horse from place to place, they can have the peace of mind that comes with a sound insurance policy to fall back on.

Protect your Horses

Horses are much loved by those who own them, and looking after them is not cheap. It would be devastating for any horse owner if something was to happen to their horses and one of the times when their horses are most at risk is when they are being transported from one destination to another.

Not only will horsebox insurance cover any damage to your horsebox but it will also cover your horse too, so should your horse be injured or harmed in any way whilst in transit, you horsebox insurance will kick and cover the cost of things such as vet’s bills, to ensure that your horse is well cared for when it is most needed.


Other things which are usually covered by a horsebox insurance policy include theft of your horses and damage caused by fire, so come what may, you will have an insurance policy to take care of things.

If you opt for a policy which includes road rescue, then you will even be entitled to roadside assistance if you were to have an accident or breakdown on the road. This will be a great help because you and your horse will get immediate help when you really need it.

As you can see, horsebox insurance really is vital for so many reasons and you really should not risk transporting your horses without it.



Lionheart Insurance Services offer affordable insurance for a range of circumstances. Their Horsebox insurance is very competitive. Visit them for a quote today.