
Don’t cut corners with induction – train smarter instead

Induction is coming under severe time and cost pressures. In most businesses at that the moment there’s either less money kicking around for training or if there is money companies are being cautious with it.

When new starters arrive any company is bound to want them trained up ready to go as quickly as possible. However, this is no excuse for an irresponsible approach to induction especially where safety is concerned. Forget the myths peddled by the reactionary media, workplace safety matters and there are still far too many accidents and even deaths in British workplaces.

Health and safety induction needs to introduce new employees to the potential hazards in their workplace and equip them with skills and knowledge to spot, avoid and report problems. There’s a lot to get through, which is why it can be a slow process.

However, there is way to speed up the process without compromising on the quality of training given. Online health and safety training makes information available to workers in a different format. They can work through courses in their own time without the need to send them on expensive and time consuming classroom sessions. Suddenly that somewhat bloated health and safety induction process is starting to look much shorter and leaner.

Of course an induction process will vary from site to site and employer to employer. So how do online health and safety training packages work around this need for customised content to suit each different organisation? A good product can easily be adapted around the edges to include site relevant information. So it contains core information that can be applied universally, along with the ability to drop in a bespoke company specific element.

This approach is helping thousands of companies offer workers a fast, effective and thorough safety induction, getting them up to speed faster and giving them a good working knowledge of safety issues.

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