
Engine Remap

We can’t all be mechanics but that doesn’t mean that we don’t want our car to be at its peak performance at all times. The way cars are built and designed to run over recent years has changed and you will find that many cars now rely on a computer system for its smooth running.

This Engine Control Unit (ECU) is used to monitor the car and adjust its settings depending on how the car is run and being used. If anything goes wrong with your car then this is often down to the ECU and sometimes mechanics can simply re-set this rather than taking your car apart and carrying out costly repairs.

The way in which each ECU works is different depending on the make and model of car but generally it deals with the way the engine works and how much power is available. It also will monitor things such as gear position and braking.

When your car is made the settings are entered into the car during the manufacturing process. This means that no matter where you live or how your car is going to be used your engine and its ECU settings will be the same as everyone else. Whilst these settings are designed to work well and won’t affect the smooth running of your car they aren’t always at the maximum capability because we all use our cars differently.

If you want to look into the possibility of getting more from your car then you need to contact a company that specialises in engine remap services. Just because your ECU settings are put together when the car is made that doesn’t mean that these can’t be adjusted. If you shop around and find a company that offers engine remap services then you can often arrange for them to reset and adjust the settings which will result in up to 20% more power in your car.

The cost of this will vary depending on the make and model of your car however if you look around for companies that offer this service you will often find that it costs much less than you would expect.

The ECU Re-Map company offer reliable and affordable engine remap services throughout North of England.