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Enjoy a new sense of freedom travelling in state-of-the-art Wheelchairs

Can you remember a time when Wheelchairs were limited by their capabilities, a time well before Mobility Scooters and 4×4 power chairs? Back in the early days Wheelchairs were fairly primitive in design, they tended to be uncomfortable, hard to move and difficult to control for the user, you needed a buddy to push you along.

Changes have been made since then, for the better I’m glad to say, and modern Wheelchairs are nothing like their predecessors. Today you are given more freedom and flexibility with powered Wheelchairs and they’ll take you across terrains that would have been impossible for mobility aids not so long ago.

What’s your perception of Wheelchairs?

Mention Wheelchairs to most able-bodied people and they’ll think of standard ranges of mobility aids that have large wheels at the back, smaller wheels at the front, a seat and footplates for the occupant. You can still buy these types of Wheelchairs and they are handy to use around the home or for day trips because they’ll collapse and fit neatly inside the trunk of a car.

However new varieties of Wheelchairs are available along with powerfully performing Mobility Scooters as well. Extreme 4×4 versions of Wheelchairs can now be purchased and they make it easier for people with disabilities to enjoy the great outdoors wherever they like to travel in their leisure time.

How are these Wheelchairs different?

4×4 versions of Wheelchairs are similar to Mobility Scooters because they are powered by batteries but that’s where the similarity ends. The most extreme versions of powered Wheelchairs can happily coast at 10 kilometers an hour and their articulated frames ensure that all four wheels remain firmly on the floor at the same time.

The most noticeable thing about 4×4 Wheelchairs apart from their funky looks is their ability to handle all types of environments. They’ll happily take on slopes, travel over rough grass, sand and snow, nothing seems too much of a challenge for these powerful and practical Wheelchairs.

The designs of Wheelchairs have certainly changed a great deal and the latest cutting-edge versions give you greater freedom than ever before.



Wheelchairs from Get back the quality of life with the most mobile wheelchairs on the market. Visit our website if you are looking for Mobility Scooters.