Travel & Leisure

Experience the Street Markets of Majorca

If you are planning on taking – holidays to Majorca this year it is likely that you will spend at least some of your time in Palma, the island’s capital and main city. Palma is a fantastic place to spend at least a few days and with so much to do there you definitely won’t find yourself getting bored. One of the things which you absolutely have to experience, when staying in the city, is the street markets. There are numerous street markets in Palma, all offering something different.


The main produce market in Palma is The Mercat Oliver so if you only visit one market during your – holidays to Majorca, make sure this is it. This market is held every Saturday from 7am until 2pm and has a huge fresh fruit and vegetable section as well as an area that sells delicious meats and cheeses. Other produce markets that are worth a visit include Llotja Del Peix which is an early morning fish market and Santa Catalina which is a large fruit and vegetable market located to the west of the city centre.

Local Crafts

If you want to buy some souvenirs or some presents for your friends back at home, the best market for you to visit is the Mercat Artesanal which is located on the Placa Major. This market is open six days a week during the summer months (with the exception of Sundays) from 10am until 2pm and it makes a fabulous place to spend a day out. Surrounding the market is a number of bars and cafes where you can stop for a rest or just to people watch for an hour or two. Street entertainers and buskers will also keep you amused as you shop.

The Street Market Experience

Before heading out on your – holidays to Majorca and heading to the street markets you should be aware that the experience is somewhat different to the markets in the UK. Most markets in Majorca will start early in the day and be finished by early afternoon just before the heat becomes overpowering. In addition, all market vendors will expect you to haggle but it is considered to be rude to haggle if you have no intent to buy. – holidays to Majorca are an ideal option for couples and families to alike. If you head to Palma make sure you visit the markets as the experience is something that cannot be compared to anything in the UK.