
Feel the strength of the wind with Power Kites

With the summer months now upon us, many of us are taking to the great outdoors. Fresh from a winter indoors, there’s so much for us to enjoy when the weather allows. From walking to picnicking there’s something for everyone. Power kites are a popular, high adrenaline way to make the most of the nice weather.

Similar to standard kites, power kites are driven by the wind, but these large kites are designed for extreme sports rather than a leisurely flying session in the park. Power kites are deliberately constructed in way that gives the user substantial pull; much more so than standard kites. For this reason, power kites are most often used with a vehicle or board. The pull of power kites easily propels the board forward, taking the adventurous rider with them.

Popular activities to use power kites for include surfing, buggying, land boarding, man lifting and kite boating. Generally a board or buggy is used and the power kites simply pull the board along, but kite boating sees, quite obviously, a boat being pulled along by the power kites. Man lifting, on the other hand, simply uses a harness which is attached to someone who is then, quite literally, lifted by the pull of the power kites and swept into the air.

Power kites are controlled by lines, bars or handles, with different power kites using different control mechanisms. For a power kites beginner, a two line control is often recommended. Different lengths of rope are used for the power kites. The shorter the ropes, the more suitable the power kites are beginners. A 1m rope is ideal for those learning the basics of power kites, where as 3m ropes will let an experienced flyer spread their wings and get the most from power kites. know all there is to know about power kites. Their extensive range of power kites in their kite shop ensures that everyone from novices to experts are catered for. Easy assembly is guaranteed and their power kite experts are more than happy to help with any flying questions.



Power kites from are in perfect working order and pristine condition and constantly impress on all levels. Our kite shop has an extensive assortment of affordable, resourceful equipment.