Clothing & Accessories

Finding Netball clothing that’s funky but comfortable

Our daughter plays netball for one of the local Sunday league teams and she’s become quite a sharp shooter in attack. Her defence skills need a bit of work but then again she’s not the tallest player in the team so that’s a distinct disadvantage. I know she’s fiercely proud of the team she plays for and adores the Netball clothing that she wears. It’s sponsored by a local company and I had the task of finding new Netball clothing for this season because the girls had started to outgrow their old uniform. It sounds a bit silly but I felt a little pressured when I was looking for new Netball clothing, especially since we had sponsors paying for the outfits. I needed to find a good quality sports supplier that sold Netball clothing, rugby clothing and soccer kits without blowing the budget we had to work with.

Buying Netball clothing isn’t as simple as you might think and you have to take certain things into account. Last year my daughter’s team wore engineered vest and combined skirts/shorts but they wanted a different look to their Netball clothing this year. Out went the vests and they were to be replaced with round-necked dresses. That was my brief, I had to find trendy Netball clothing that would project the team’s image in a positive light and make them look like game-winners. So the best thing I could do was look online for a Netball clothing store that offered great deals on hockey kits and lowered the cost of rugby clothing.

I’m the first to admit that I was lucky when I booted up my computer and looked for Netball clothing online. I found Netball clothing by and they’re a brilliant website if you need rugby clothing, cycling shorts or athletics vests. Their catalogue is crammed full with stylish Netball clothing that doesn’t just look the business it helps netball teams do the business out on court. My daughter’s teammates loved the look of the Netball clothing that was advertised in Flya’s online catalogue and I loved the price of the clothing because it was much cheaper than I thought it was going to be. This enabled me to use our sponsor’s money wisely, as well as buying new netball dresses for the team we had enough left over to purchase matching jackets as well!



Netball clothing by Visit their website today if you’re looking for rugby clothing.