
For the finest distance calculator then consider only Mile Logik

Are you looking for a business that can offer you one of the finest distance calculator services in the UK? Do you devote hour upon hour, each and every month, producing mileage reports, and you are tired of the sheer amount of time that the process takes away from your day to day activities? If so then the distance calculator services of Mile Logik is just for you.

The Mile Logik TL1000 is a distance calculator device that allows you to tally the mileage that you have travelled throughout the course of the month. This distance calculator can produce a mileage report in seconds, and saves you hour upon hour sat at a desk, calculator in hand and pen and paper scribbles as you attempt to calculate the monthly distance travelled.

Whether you have a fleet of vehicles, and need to ensure that all of the monthly mileage reimbursement that you receive is accurate, or indeed if you have contract hired a vehicle and need a distance calculator to ensure that you are not exceeding the stipulations of the hire agreement, then here at Mile Logik the simple addition of our distance calculator could be the most important device in your vehicle.

If, on the other hand, you are self-employed and need to keep a tight-reigns on any outgoing expenditure then the distance calculator of Mile Logik is just the device for you. The route recorder capacity of Mile Logik allows you to log your journey effectively, and ensures that you don’t waste any valuable time on the road. The innovative technology if these distance calculator devices, such as the Trip Type Solution and the Trip Manager software ensures that these distance calculator devices are as meticulous as they are affordable.

To find out more information about the selection of services that these devices can offer you, or indeed to contact us and ask any bespoke queries of us, then come and pay us a visit online at:



Distance Calculator from Save time on tiresome mileage reports with our distance calculator that records your every mile. Visit us if you are for Mileage Calculator.