Construction & Maintenance

Frameless glass partitions – ignorance or progression?

It seems that the call for greater transparency in business dealings has been misunderstood. Still able to quietly conspire in the safety of enclosed rooms, businesses have decided to take a more literal approach to viewable business transactions, turning those opaque office walls – in an act that teeters precariously close to adolescent pedantry and feigned ignorance – … into glass.

Perhaps I’m being too cynical. I mean, it’s not so difficult to trace recent architectural and social developments and see a clear and organic pattern emerging – a pattern that’s lead up to our recent adoption (and apparent appreciation) of frameless glass partitions in working environments.

With room design being what it is in today’s minimalist-inspired offices, frameless glass partitions seem to tick all the right boxes. Simple: check, Sleek: check, unfettered by superfluity: check. Still, the way the ‘business transparency’ buzz-phrase has been bandied around, semantic satiation was bound to set in sooner or later, making any misinterpretation, regrettably, excusable.

Anyway, placing the reasons for actually fitting frameless glass partitions aside, and concentrating on their realisation, frameless glass partitions do mange to strike the balance between the privacy of enclosed rooms and the space of open plan floor design – and from an architectural perspective, frameless glass partitions are innovative in their way, tastefully blending tradition and modernity into a sweet/sour mix of easily digestible progression.

I suppose then, that this apparent ‘progression’ is why businesses have been so eager to see frameless glass partitions installed in their offices. These frameless glass partitions could well be the most inoffensive guise that advertising has ever taken, allowing companies to project a forward-thinking – and at worst, a neutral – attitude into the outside world; an attitude that only serves to simulate transparency (of the accountability variety). And with ‘neutral’ now having environmental connotations (‘carbon’ comes to mind) it seems that everyone’s a winner.

All this nonsense aside, if you’re looking for quality frameless glass partitions, Interior Design Developments specialise in frameless glass partitions for corporate interiors. Well made, these frameless glass partitions provide great flexibility, so visit them online if you’re after frameless glass partitions and are of sound mind and posses all relevant faculties.



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