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Gate Openers

If you have a set of gates that front your residential property or a commercial property then it is important to choose the type of gate openers to suit the amount of space surrounding the gates. There are different types of gate openers for a gate where space is limited.


In a limited space you can have the choice of sliding gate openers so that the gates slide open across the width of the gate, if the space is very limited where the gates open in the space of a normal doorway then there are bi-folding sliding gates that will slide and fold at the same time making good use of the limited space available.

If you need a set of gates on the front of your property and your property fronts a busy main road then you can choose to have a set of gate openers that open the gates inwards onto your property so that the gates are not obstructing the public highway when you open them.

Commercial premises that have high volumes of traffic going through the gates all day and night can make use of cantilever gates, these types of gates will ensure that no matter if there is snow and ice on the ground or there are kerbs or uneven ground the gates will open and close with no problems.

Where space is unlimited surrounding the gates then the gate openers can be swing gates, although the gates swing open and closed there are safety features on the gates to enable them to stop working if there is an obstruction in the way such as a person or a vehicle. Many commercial premises now have automated gates at the entrance to their premises and use different methods of entry and exit. For example an electronic keypad could be used to open the gates after security code is typed into the keypad, an incorrect code would disable the gates and they would not open.

There are many different gate openers for you to choose from and it all depends on the amount of space surrounding the gates and the volume of use the gates see throughout a typical day. If you are unsure of the type of gate openers that would be suitable for your gates then professional help is at hand if you ask for advice from your chosen gate manufacturing company.



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