
Health Products

Just 20 years ago people who consumed health products were seen as a bit wacky. Nowadays, practically everyone buys at least some health products. Whether it is healthy foods, supplements, exercise aids or diet books we all buy these kinds of products at least once a year.

Every country in the world, including the poorest have some form of health product industry. In countries where regular health care is expensive buying natural remedies is often the only option for many people.

How the Health Products Industry Is Evolving

Health foods have definitely gone main stream in most Western countries, and are doing so in developing countries. In the west there are plenty of multi-national companies producing health foods, supplements, dietary aids and many other products designed to help people to remain healthy.

In developing countries the same thing is beginning to happen. Firms are producing their products in huge volumes and have been for several decades now. The difference is that they are also now targeting a growing home market. As their populations become wealthier and have more disposable income they too are buying more health products.

New research into the medicinal properties of plants and foods is producing new products every year. The industry is ploughing millions into research and development every year and is actively seeking treatments for big diseases, just as the main stream drug companies always have.

The Future of the Health Products Industry

Despite becoming much more heavily regulated the future for the industry looks bright. People are living longer and are far more interested in their health than they used to be. They are better educated and realise that the old adage’ you are what you eat or consume’ is true. This means that more and more consumers are actively supplementing their diets with supplements and super foods to remain healthy and gain relief from chronic conditions. In addition, some health products are beginning to cross over into mainstream medicine. A recent example of this is Manuka Honey, which many hospitals, around the world, now use to treat wounds that will not heal naturally.


Vitamin Bee stocks a wide range of high quality health products. They sell only high quality products and do so for a great price.