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How to save money on a Samsung LED TV

It was a bit of a no-brainer when our old CRT TV finally gave up the ghost after many years of loyal service. Leafing through a number of catalogues we set our heart on a swanky new Samsung LED TV having read fabulous reviews about the product. A Samsung LED TV seemed to suit our requirements perfectly, it was super slim, had a fabulous picture quality and if we opted for the smart version we could even have internet access to music, films and sites like ‘You Tube’ whenever we liked. Plus if we bought a Home Theatre at the same time as the Samsung LED TV we could enjoy a magical move night anytime that we liked. There was just one snag. I didn’t want to pay top dollar for the Samsung LED TV I wanted to save a little cash if I could so how could this be achieved?

Shop at a wholesale store

In a flash of inspiration I remembered an advert I’d seen for a wholesale supplier of electronic goods. The store in question was called A&S Wholesalers and they were an independent distributor of consumer electronics, surely they’d be a great place to find a Samsung LED TV and a Home Theatre system. A quick look on their site confirmed my initial thoughts, not only did they stock a Samsung LED TV it was much cheaper than other similar specification TVs sold through other stores. The Samsung LED TV was brand new it came with a warranty and would be delivered to my home. What more could I ask for, this Samsung LED TV sounded perfect so I ordered it straight away.

Are we happy with the Samsung LED TV?

Happy can’t describe how we feel about our new Samsung LED TV and it’s a joy to use it with our new Home Theatre system. The thing is; I didn’t realise how many features came with the Samsung LED TV as standard. I already knew the Samsung LED TV had built in WiFi and DLNA streaming but I wasn’t aware it had active 3D technology and full HD picture resolution as well. Our Samsung LED TV is pretty state-of-the-art if the truth be known and the best thing is we didn’t pay over the odds for the smart TV because we had the good sense to buy it from A&S Wholesalers, why not check them out if your TV goes on the blink?



Get a Samsung LED TV from With a great range of electronics purchased directly from some of the biggest brand names, visit us online if you’re looking for a Home Theatre.