
It’s never too late to take part in CBT motorcycle training

Always wanted your very own motorbike but never got around to taking your test? Think you’re a bit too old to take part in motorcycle training Sussex, worried that some people will think you are going through a mid-life crisis? Why let other people prevent you from achieving those goals in life, there’s nothing wrong in wanting to take part in CBT motorcycle training. As you might be aware, CBT motorcycle training is compulsory if you want to learn how to ride a bike. CBT motorcycle training teaches you the basics it’s the minimum level of tuition you’ll undertake. Once you have taken part in CBT motorcycle training you can ride bikes up to 125cc with L plates until you are ready to take your test.

What does CBT motorcycle training cover?

Most centres that provide motorcycle training Sussex deliver their CBT motorcycle training programmes over the course of one day. To begin with the pupils on the CBT motorcycle training courses practice pulling away and stopping, gear changes and manoeuvring their bikes on a safe, off-road area. Classroom tuition about road safety is also taught on the CBT motorcycle before riders finally get to take their bikes out onto public roads, albeit quieter roads to begin with. It’s a busy day but you’ll be amazed at the knowledge and the skills you can pick up on the CBT motorcycle training course and having completed the course you’ll be ready for regular lessons.

Why not combine the CBT motorcycle training?

Book a direct access training (DAS) course through a centre that provides top-notch motorcycle training Sussex and you could take CBT motorcycle training on day one then follow that up with 3 modular-filled days that steer you towards your full licence. You could be riding a big bike much sooner than you think by cleverly combining your CBT motorcycle training with a DAS course. Once you have passed the CBT motorcycle training the DAS training can be tailored to your exact needs it’s geared towards your individual capabilities. Remember, people of all ages take part in CBT motorcycle training so whether you are 17 or 70 enjoy comprehensive bike training and experience the thrills of two-wheeled fun.



CBT motorcycle training can give you the basic skills you need and w can provide the best motorcycle training Sussex to allow you to ride safely. Visit us today for more information!