
James DacanayCaring for Your Kitten

Kittens need a great deal of nurturing as they get older, and knowing how to care for the tiny new addition to your family will ensure that it grows up healthy and happy.

There will be a big difference between how you look after your kitty if you only have one compared to if you have a whole litter to bring up. Cats have a reputation of being solitary and aloof creatures but in reality they thrive on human companionship or, at the very least, the companionship of others. Therefore, if you only have one kitten, it is important that you spend a great deal of time with it, not simply fussing and stroking it, but also playing with it regularly.

As your cat gets older, if you decide not to let it out, such play must continue as your pet will have a great deal of energy to expend and will need to have regular stimulation if they don’t have the chance to explore new surroundings and environments day in and day out.

There also needs to be a great deal of attention paid to the cat food you choose too. Many pet foods available on the market will be filled with starch and additives to bulk up the food and artificially alter the taste. This can be very detrimental to your pets overall health and in many cases they will find the taste repulsive too, meaning they will not only miss out on the right nutrients they need, but also that they may simply go hungry a great deal of the time. Try to always find food that has been scientifically formulated to offer the full spectrum of nutrition to help your pet grow and develop in the right way.

Your pet will also need to be vaccinated, checked for fleas and wormed regularly, and have checkups at the vet on a regular basis.



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