
Modern Retail Recruitment

In the current economic climate, keeping your staffing levels at the right levels can be tricky. Sales fluctuate, so sometimes you end up with too many staff, other times you cannot get enough people.

Tight profit margins mean that most retailers can no longer afford to employ a large team. Many run on a tight core team, which they supplement to deal with seasonal fluctuations. This means that most modern retailers spend a significant proportion of their time recruiting, so it is important that they do it in the most efficient way possible.

Large retailers rarely have many problems recruiting. They can usually recruit from within, and employ graduates that can be trained and promoted into more responsible roles. However, small retailers can struggle with recruitment.

The Advantages of Online Recruitment

There are several ways for them to recruit. However, by far the best way to recruit is to do so online. The vast majority of people who are looking for work go online to find it, in particular retail work.

There are a number of recruitment websites on which you can post your retail jobs. Posting your advert only takes a few minutes. You can cut and paste the job description you used last time you recruited for the role to speed up the process.

Once you have hit the enter button your advert will immediately be added to the database and be available for potential candidates to apply. You may be lucky and begin to hear from applicants within just a few hours of adding your vacancy to the database.

If you use a recruitment website that specialises in retail you will get even better results than if you use a general jobs site. This is because all of the people looking for jobs on their site will be specifically interested in working in the retail field. This increases the chances that the people applying for your retail roles will have already worked in retail. This means that you will spend less time ploughing through applications from candidates without the right expertise to fill your retail positions.

Retail recruitment at is fast and really easy. You can post a job within minutes or ask them to search their database for suitable applicants.