
Prevent damp issues using the skills of a Waterproofing Contractor

When our home started to have problems with Rising Damp we contacted a Waterproofing Contractor to come and inspect the property. The Waterproofing Contractor noted that our house didn’t have a proper course of damp treatment and they recommended that we had one fitted as soon as possible. We’d been living in the property for a couple of years at this stage and the news from the Waterproofing Contractor came as a bit of a bolt out of the blue. However it was obvious that some work was required at our home so we instructed the Waterproofing Contractor to go ahead with the Rising Damp treatment and it wasn’t long until the problem was resolved.

Services provided by a Waterproofing Contractor

Before we booked the Waterproofing Contractor we checked them out thoroughly and looked at the long list of services they provided. As well as solving Rising Damp issues a Waterproofing Contractor provides a one-stop service throughout a property, they can provide waterproofing on a roof, window sills, retaining walls and floors, cellars and basement areas. Basically if you want a watertight dwelling contact a Waterproofing Contractor and they’ll resolve any issue that you might have. This got us thinking, we have a cellar in our property that we use to store junk and we had toyed with the idea of changing the use of the room in the past. With a spot of waterproofing it could be a usable space that we could use for many purposes so we had a little word with our Waterproofing Contractor.

Guess what happened?

Yep, you’ve guessed it! We negotiated a great deal with the Waterproofing Contractor to make our cellar watertight. The Waterproofing Contractor used the latest methods to dry out the room and we won’t have to worry about Rising Damp in the future. We had to call the Waterproofing Contractor out of necessity and I’m certainly glad we did. The Waterproofing Contractor we used was professional and reliable they were called Eli Waterproofing Specialists and I’d whole heartedly recommend them to anyone that wanted a spot of waterproofing in the future.



Waterproofing Contractor available We offer a broad spectrum of tailor-made services to our clients. Look no further and visit us today if you are experiencing Rising Damp.