
Private Tutor

If you or your child needs a little extra push with education, a private tutor might be exactly what you’re looking for. A private tutor is effectively like one-on-one teaching; the sessions may last from half an hour up to an hour or more. In terms of giving an extra push, using a private tutor is highly advised if you have the money to afford the rates. In terms of children hiring a private tutor to help get a certain skill up to scratch is exactly what you need in order to ensure that they pass an exam or just do better than expected. For adults a private tutor works in a similar way and still adopts a pupil and teacher relationship, but with mature students a private tutor will allow a little looser schedule when it comes to progress because of the reduced learning capability in adults and knowing that there may be other things for the pupil to consider, such as work or family obligations. It is likely that you can find a private tutor for any subject. English, mathematics, science, art, music, and so on. A private tutor is a luxury effectively, because if you cannot afford to pay the rates you cannot take advantage of the benefits a private tutor brings with an intensive educational boost.


When considering hiring a private tutor be sure to have a degree of research done in the way of qualifications and history. While nobody gets into being a private tutor in order to scam people, there are some less than adequate candidates out there that might convince you that they’re the best private tutor in the area when they certainly aren’t. Your research on a private tutor can be as limited or as expansive as you like, but respect personal boundaries and only investigate them from a professional perspective rather than a personal one. Beyond this hiring a private tutor merely comes down to how much you can afford them. If you can only fit in a few private tutor sessions a month, so be it. The benefits are clear to see with a private tutor.


Private Tutor from We provide high quality 80 minute tuition to students from age 7 and upwards. Visit us today for Tuition Wiltshire.