
QMS from Jeff Ayres: The Office Encyclopaedia.

It’s true: ‘for a moment like this, some people wait a lifetime.’ So, what’s the point in waiting a lifetime for quality for it to be gone in the blink of an eye? Recording quality- through Quality Management Systems (QMS) – for future generations of employees is essential for maintaining excellent service standards and reaching out to new clients; for quality to be reenacted, it should be recorded. Effective Quality Management Systems (QMS) from market leading QMS provider- Jeff Ayres – is an all- encompassing method of quality practice record- keeping; they are easy to use, clear and accessible to all; for present and future reference.

Your mum and dad always taught you standards, whether it be at the table or by watching your ‘p’s and q’s’. Your parents, in essence, provided you with internal Quality Management Systems; a QMS of life. Question is, is a QMS of any less importance in the workplace?

A QMS forms the backbone to organisations using a structured approach to recording ‘best practice’ when it occurs and can provide a plan to achieve future improvements through objective setting and outlining targets based on its’ initial findings. An effective updated QMS demands less paperwork and requires a far lower level of strict conformity to tight regulations and procedures as its’ predeceasing document.

Although the revised ISO 9001:2000 is proving to be less demanding on the work place, it is still the recognised and highly regarded International standard for Quality Management Systems, as with ISO 14001: the Environmental Management System Standard, a QMS can be appraised and accredited.

The benefits of an elite QMS are mutli-fold. A working QMS can: enhance your understanding of your customer’s needs; improve competitive edge by highlighting potential market gaps. A QMS- when appropriate – can also: continually improving efficiency rates; reduce costs and add growth; strengthen communication channels and; provide sales and marketing opportunities. A QMS should not be confined to the office bookcase; as business providers, you should use it as a business encyclopedia; a verifiable handbook to what your customers want and what YOU can do to please.

Quality Management Systems: because the customer is always right…



A QMS is essential for organizations to record best practice and at we can provide the best Quality Management Systems for you to use. Visit us today for more information!