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Retain the character of a property by fitting an Edwardian Fireplace

When we started to renovate our period property we were quite lucky, there were already a couple of Antique Fireplaces fitted in the dining room and living room of the dwelling. However as the project moved upstairs and we began to transform our bedroom we discovered that a fireplace had been covered over at some stage with a blank panel. Having removed the panel we were faced with a blank void that was ideal for an Edwardian Fireplace. If we could fit an Edwardian Fireplace in the room it would be such a stylish feature to have as a focal point. So the hunt began for an Edwardian Fireplace that would suit the aesthetics of our home. I’d never had to shop for an Edwardian Fireplace before so it was pretty daunting to say to say the least.

Where on earth do you find Antique Fireplaces?

That was my initial thought when I started to look for an Edwardian Fireplace because it’s not the type of feature that you buy every day for your home. I knew reclamation yards existed that specialised in removing period features from properties so that was my starting point for an Edwardian Fireplace. I found the details of a local site that specialised in reclamations and took a trip to their yard to search for an Edwardian Fireplace. Sadly they only had a couple of fireplaces in stock, they were both Victorian items and in pretty poor shape, so my search for an Edwardian Fireplace would have to continue elsewhere.

What came next?

My new approach to finding an Edwardian Fireplace took me online where I searched for a site that sold genuine Antique Fireplaces. Thankfully I found a brilliant company that sold nothing but fireplaces from a bygone era. They were called The Antique Fireplace Company and they sold Victorian and Edwardian Fireplace surrounds at prices that I thought represented amazing value for money. I’d already measured the height and depth that I needed the Edwardian Fireplace to be so it was simply a case of choosing the design I liked the best. Our Edwardian Fireplace looks stunning in its new setting and it was such a find to discover it online.



Edwardian Fireplace from For all of your individual fireplace requirements at unbeatable prices and quality, why not check out our range of Antique Fireplaces.