Construction & Maintenance

Retaining Walls

More than likely you have no idea what a retaining wall actually is, but that’s okay because a majority of the general public won’t know either so you don’t have to feel stupid about it. If you want to take a guess at what retaining walls are, you’d generally find them in the countryside or rural areas. Still no idea? They work primarily on a physics basis. Still having trouble? Retaining walls are those walls you see holding back ground from slipping forward when says for instance a road has been dug into the side of a hill in order to have passage to a town or village. Are you starting to get the picture at last?

As previously mentioned retaining walls mostly work on the basis of physics. Without getting into too complex terms the retaining walls are built in order to withstand the pressure of the sloping ground and not crumbling under the weight of that much dirt. Part of why retaining walls do so well in holding back this pressure and not breaking apart is because they are anchored in beneath the dirt via a cement slab of something similar to hold the retaining walls in place. Without it the retaining walls are subjected to too much pressure and not enough resistance.

Retaining walls are not invincible however, and much like any other walls they are subject to wear and tear. There are vulnerable to a continued wet season that will loosen the dirt and cause further sliding towards the retaining walls, which could put pressure on them that causes them to burst wide open if they’re particularly old and worn out. Regular maintenance isn’t something that happens a lot with retaining walls as they’re built to last, abnormal weather conditions withstanding. In certain cases in problem areas the retaining walls are checked semi-regularly for any damage or signs that they may burst should a particularly wet period happen, but for the most part local authorities trust the craftsmanship of the retaining walls and just leave them until there are signs that they could perhaps burst under strain.



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