
Rocket Man

Candles and cakes, fountains and wheels, lanterns and rockets. Yes that’s right, it’s time for fireworks. Everyone loves fireworks, well, except old ladies and pets. So why not create your own super display to wow your friends, and what better way than to order some fireworks online. Nowadays, the choices on offer and the great range of pre-packed sets gives you the opportunity to really blow them away with a fantastic display.

Lights and Noise

When ordering fireworks online, the first thing you should consider is the size of the area you will be displaying in. Do you have a large field to play with, or just a simple back garden? This will influence greatly what you can and should buy – it’s no use buying a huge rocket for a tiny back garden, as it can cause more damage than good. But one item that will definitely be worth it, whatever the occasion, is a top quality cake.

Cakes are a selection of single roman candles connected to a single fuse. As such, they can be rigged to go off together or in a sequence. You can really get that wow factor with a cake that can make your finale almost professional. Cakes generally come with 16 or more shells, and can come with their tubes fanned, meaning that they will shoot off at diagonals across the sky, making the effect even larger.

Catherine Had a Wheel

And of course, there is that old favourite, the Catherine wheel. This wheel is attached to a post or fence and when lit, it rotates round and round while emitting sparks and screeches, often changing effect as it spins. Larger wheels spin incredibly quickly and can change colour, noise and effect multiple times, offering a great show. But remember, when ordering fireworks online, always check for quality. It’s no good having a firework that burns only with one colour or without noise when you’re trying to impress your friends.

So, come that special occasion, you can get a great selection of various style if you order fireworks online. But just remember to be careful, you don’t want any nasty injuries!