
Save And Earn With A Photovoltaic Installation

There are many benefits to having a solar system installed in your home. You can enjoy a virtually free supply of electricity throughout the year and you can even sell the surplus energy you don’t require back to the grid. You can also add value to your property by having an energy efficient system installed that potential new owners would benefit from.


Energy prices continue to soar and it is us, as users, that ultimately suffer with higher bills and greater energy costs. This situation looks unlikely to abate in the near future and so looking for ways in which to limit our exposure to these increasing costs is a sensible move and one that more and more homeowners are starting to take. One such way of reducing your exposure to these costs is through the installation of a renewable energy system on your property.


Wind turbines are far from convenient and will require planning permission. They can also prove inefficient as a means of generating electricity. In contrast, a photovoltaic installation is efficient and, if you have the tiles installed on your roof, then there is usually no need to have any planning permission because the government is keen to encourage homeowners to partake in such energy saving practices.


Not only will you save money on energy bills but if you take advantage of the current Feed In Tariff deal that the government has established you will even be able to make some money. For every single KWh you produce, regardless of whether you use it yourself or supply it back to the grid, you will receive a payment. If you do sell any surplus back to the grid then you will receive an additional payment too.


When you come to sell your house, you will be able to provide potential owners with another reason to choose your property. Effectively, they will be able to enjoy free or nearly free electricity throughout the year. This can prove a major draw especially to buyers that are environmentally aware and wish to do what they can in order to protect the environment around them.


Contact The Smart Energy Company to discuss your new photovoltaic installation and to see how they can help you save and make money on your energy supply.