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Sensory Gardens

Sensory gardens are the future of gardening. What sensory gardens are would be classed as an experience rather than an activity or a sightseeing expedition. Sensory gardens are all about what you sense, as the name would suggest. Normally what you’d sense in a garden would be ranging from audio, visual, sound, and smell from the surrounding environment. You can imagine that sensory gardens aim to take these effects and use them in such a way that they purposefully relax people. The point behind sensory gardens is that they are specifically designed for the disabled; this can range from a number of physical impairments that may hinder the senses, to a number of mental disabilities. Most sensory gardens have Braille signs and explanations of the varieties of plant life, and I’d wager all sensory gardens have wheelchair access for all. Beyond this sensory gardens cover enough of the senses that everybody can get involved and enjoy the beauty of sensory gardens. If you are blind you can enjoy the sounds and smell of a fresh garden teeming with plant life and assorted flora. The sweet garden smell we get in gardens is amplified multiple times for someone who is blind, so I imagine the sensory gardens must be something of a smell buffet for them to enjoy based on the various different smells plants and grass give off.


Sensory gardens give sensory experiences for those who wouldn’t ordinarily get them. Those who physical disabilities that impede walking may have access to some gardens, but there are a number of problems that simply adding a ramp won’t fix. Sensory gardens are designed with these issues in mind and address them in such a way that almost all people on crutches or in wheelchairs of any size can make their way through the sensory gardens without any discomfort or accidents. Wide lanes to move through are primary to this, and as a result have a far more relaxed and controlled ‘traffic’ system moving through the sensory gardens that reduces any embarrassing shuffling to get past someone who is unfortunately unable to move faster.



Sensory gardens from are stunning to look at and set the tone ever so beautifully. We have the most wonderful assortment of sensory rooms which will satisfy even the most discerning customer.