Construction & Maintenance

Side Gates

Sometimes when it comes to certain buildings the gardens are not connected in ways you would normally expect. Most detached homes have separate gardens, meaning that they are bordered by fences and there is a small entry passage into the garden from the front of the house leading down the side. In many terraced houses they do not have the luxury of having this passage into the back garden individually, but rather every two houses share on that forks into both gardens. In order to get through your garden into the neighbouring garden to reach the back exit passage, you need to go through side gates.

Side gates just like regular gates but they are placed on the sides of the fence rather than at the end of a passage leading out into the front garden. Side gates are more of a convenience then a necessity. Some neighbours should they not particularly bothered about it don’t have side gates creating the divide between the neighbouring gardens and instead just leave a gap for people to move through. Side gates in reality are more of a privacy measure than anything else, if you don’t want a neighbour constantly coming into your garden you just have to lock the side gates and then there will be no possible way for them to go through the passage.

Side gates can however be a divisive element in relationships with neighbours. Sometimes their coming and going through your garden annoys you, or they tread all over your flowers with little care for them and not offering anything resembling an apology. Maybe their snotty nosed children keep leaving the side gates open leaving your garden vulnerable to their big dog that loves to use your lawn as a toilet. Regardless of the situation, having side gates can sometimes be more trouble that they’re worth, so ensure that you absolutely require one in order to provide access to the back passage. If neither you nor your neighbour use the passage, it’s safe to say the side gates should go for your own convenience and for the sake of keeping neighbourly relationships stable. has an extensive collection of first rate side gates which will satisfy even the most discerning individual. These wooden side gates will protect your home and look absolutely marvellous.