
Smarter health and safety induction

When employees start at a new company they need to get to grips with site safety from the office. No matter whether they are office workers, contractors working outside or warehouse staff, each one will face safety hazards in their day to day tasks. A responsible employer knows that good safety is good business and takes the time to educate them in their new responsibilities.

Health and safety induction can be incredibly time consuming. Businesses are under pressure to deliver results with fewer resources available and they want any new hires to become productive as quickly as possible. This doesn’t have to mean shortcuts and compromised health and safety, it just means working smarter instead.

Health and safety e-learning is a powerful training tool. It’s great for delivering factual information like safety procedures to a busy and dispersed workforce. It can cut down on the time spent on the induction process without depriving new workers of the information and training they need to work safely.

Health and safety induction can become a much less costly and more efficient process. E-learning brings something else to the table as well – record keeping. Each person who has completed a course and associated test will be logged in a database which is great for compliance purposes. Not that the whole exercise should be reduced to a box ticking exercise.

Health and safety e-learning has already helped thousands of companies work around the challenges of delivering effective induction more efficiently. It’s a tried and tested format for safety training delivery. Maybe it’s time to review current arrangements that are too costly or failing to catch staff when they start their new job. A company like Rapid Global have induction packages that can be tailored to each customer and rolled out quickly. It’s an approach that is proving to be appealing for a whole range of businesses.

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