
Success stands out from the crowd.

‘Coca-Cola’- with its unique blend of thirst-quenching ingredients is not the same as ‘Coke.’ ‘KFC’- for its ‘finger lickin’ good’ flavour and tongue- teasing texture- is by no means anything like the quality of Supermarket breaded ‘chicken’ fillets that are no more ‘chicken’ than the lamb joint you have waiting at home. And, who on Earth would want an instant brew when they could rock on up to Starbucks for a tall skinny vanilla latte? As the global marketplace becomes more and more competitive in these tough economic times, businesses with an aspiration to grow and succeed are being forced to differentiate from their main competitors.

Patent attorneys have specialist qualifications that are mandatory for lawfully representing clients in successfully obtaining patents and they act in all matters relating to patent law practice. The role patent attorneys undertake is by no means one-dimensional and requires them to use a wide range of skills to be either efficient or effective. The term ‘patent attorneys’ is used differently in different contexts within different nations, and thus may or may not require the same level of qualifications, knowledge or experience as a general law practitioners.

As opposed to ‘patent attorneys,’ the title can be interchanged to either ‘patent agents’ or ‘patent lawyers’ depending on which jurisdiction they are operating within at any given time. In some jurisdictions, one individual can be titled with any of the above whereas in others, only those with law qualifications can be referred to as any.

In South Africa, patent attorneys must be qualified law practitioners- who have additionally specialised through the South African Institute of Intellectual Property Law, which requires : a technical diploma or degree from a university institution, six month’s training in practice as registered patent attorneys and, successfully sitting the patent board examination.

DM Kisch Inc. is fast becoming South Africa’s finest intellectual property law firms with a team of the very best patent attorneys the world has to offer, all of whom have a great understanding of the complex and diverse needs of business and society, to effectively deliver effective solutions for each and every one of their loyal customers.

To find out more about how DM Kisch Inc. patent attorneys can help you stand out from the crowd, visit them today at

Patent Attorneys from We experienced attorneys that specialises in copyright, patenting and trademarks. Visit us for Intellectual Property South Africa.