
Tantric Massage

Tantric massage is a little different than other massages. If you know what tantric is, and you know what a massage is, you should be able to put two and two together and figure out what a tantric massage is. If not, tantric massage is a little more than an ordinary massage, a tantric massage is highly rooted into erotica. Trying to explain how a tantric massage works can be a little confusing if you don’t understand the erotica side of it. Effectively the body must be taken as a whole, if you want to relax it you want to work the most sensitive parts of the body or at least stimulate them in a way that will cause them to benefit the person receiving the tantric massage. The genitals are some of the most sensitive parts of the body; they’re used in several different ways and have many different nerve receptors in them, making them highly susceptible to the benefits of tantric massage. Effectively without going into too much detail tantric massage can be used to stimulate and relax the body through the use of the genitals or the areas surrounding the genitals. A tantric massage is not sex, that absolutely has to be said, but it does involve movements and actions similar to sex. Effectively tantric massage takes the old song about sexual healing and makes it a reality, if that makes any sense to you.


Tantric massage is again, I must stress, not sex. It does not class as prostitution and therefore does not come into the realms of illegality. It can however be something of a worry when compared to regular massage because of the erotic nature of it. Many providers of tantric massage take data protection very seriously, you if you’re worried about someone finding out about you having this kind of therapy and healing you do not need to worry about being revealed by the one providing tantric massage. Tantric massage may very well be available in your area but be sure to look in the right places to avoid embarrassment and wild goose chases.



Tantric Massage from We promote Tantra; including massage, meditation, healing and products. Visit us now for Tantric Massage London.