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The benefits of choosing Non Slip Decking

Non slip decking is the perfect alternative to traditional decking and it has many benefits that make it a more desirable option than timber decking. Timber decking can be very dangerous and people don’t realise this when they choose it. The problem with wooden decking is that when it gets wet it becomes very slippery and it gets dirty very quickly. Mould, moss and tree residue can all stain decking and also contribute to it being very slippery. Non slip decking has none of these problems and once it has been fitted it requires virtually no maintenance unlike timber decking. Wooden decking is very popular in domestic gardens but it is not ideal for people who have children, pets or who are not very steady on their feet and it can cause many accidents by people slipping over on it.

Non slip decking is made from wood but each panel has a rubber inlay and this makes the surface anti slip, soft and completely safe to walk or run on. Non slip timber decking is ideal for domestic and commercial properties. Places such as nurseries, schools, nursing homes and public parks and play areas are advised to invest in non slip decking as non slip timber decking is much safer for children and will prevent any serious accidents and injuries. Anyone who falls on non slip decking will be cushioned on impact by the rubber inlay and they are much less likely to fall in the first place or suffer a serious injury if they do.

Normal wooden decking needs regular cleaning, painting or staining to keep it in top condition and to pro-long its life span. This level of maintenance is not needed with non slip timber decking. Customers will find that non slip decking costs more than standard wood decking but it is well worth spending a little extra for this quality product and in the long term owners will save on maintenance costs compared to wooden decking.



Non Slip Decking from For all of your safe decking requirements at unbeatable prices and quality, why not check out our fantastic Non Slip Timber Decking.