Clothing & Accessories

The classic comfort of knitting wool

Knitting wool is the most popular fibre in use for knitting as it is extremely resilient and keeps the recipients of garments made in this way very warm. It is not just used for clothing however, and can also be used for a wide array of other objects too. The wool in most common use tends to come from sheep, although it is possible to source wool from other animals too such as goats for instance. Wool stemming from sheep is the most popular of all the wools as it tends to be the most robust and durable. It is also very versatile and compliments various colours and patterns.

Perfect for stretching

Knitting wool is also the best type of wool for novice knitters too, as its robust nature means that there’s little chance of it breaking due to overly-eager, heavy-handedness. It is also perfect for stretching too, and will maintain its condition even when tested to reasonable limits. This is why it’s so common to see knitting wool in ‘one-size-fits-all’ hats for instance. There are some pitfalls however, and many people do suffer from a wool allergy, which unfortunately means that the wools have to be avoided by some. These allergies usually make themselves known in excessive itchiness for instance.

Treat stains fast

Knitting wool is however sensitive to hot water, which is why you’ll usually find people hand washing it at lukewarm temperatures. It’s recommended that when you buy a knitted wool item from a shop that you always adhere strictly to the instructions that come with it. Stains should be attended to immediately too, as it can be impossible to get them out once they are allowance to penetrate the fibres. If stains do become stubborn, it’s always recommended that you take the garment to a professional dry cleaner as opposed to attempting to treat them yourself. When you’re hand-washing knitting wool items you should always use a cleaning product that is known to be appropriate for the wool. Knitting wool products have a traditional and timeless appeal and never seem to lose their charm, and providing that we treat them with respect, there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to achieve years of joy from them.



Knitting wool by Visit their website today if you’re looking for knitting patterns.