
The PhD Application process

In an age where going to university and getting an undergraduate degree is a popular choice for most students, many wish to continue with their studies in order to stand out against the crowd. Gaining a research degree certainly achieves this goal: in being awarded a PhD, you have officially become a doctor in the subject of your choice.

Application Process

The application process for being a PhD study can be laborious and companies can help you achieve success. Once you have decided what topic you wish to study, it is often a good idea to find an academic in your chosen university who will supervise your research. A supervisor will want to see that you are passionate about the subject and will be able to complete the study; they may wish to see an academic CV, and it is often important to have a previous post graduate degree.

Find out whether or not there are industry-funded PhDs available. If not, they can be difficult to obtain unless you are willing to fund the research yourself.

At this point, you will need to provide a proposal for your thesis if pursuing a degree in arts, humanities and social sciences.

There are many companies offering their services in writing an application to study for a PhD, and sometimes it can be a good idea to ask for their help – having dealt with academics and the process many times previously, they will know the ins and outs of the procedure.

There is usually an interview during the process of applying, during which a board will consider why you want to do a PhD and what strengths you have which will help you during the three years of study.

A PhD is the highest degree of graduate study which can be awarded, and requires specific skills which many companies look for in potential employees. These skills can include:

Passion for the subject: a genuine interest or love for the topic they have studied and will now be working in is always a plus in an employee; they will likely be satisfied in their work and do it to their best ability.

Willingness to learn: taking on an extra, post-graduate degree shows not only an aptitude for the subject, but an interest in learning, something which can stand to an employee when joining a new company.

Attention to detail: studying for and being awarded a doctorate shows a commitment and careful eye which can be vital in a working environment.


Speak to if you need help writing an application to study.