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The roles of porters in kitchens Yorkshire

Porters have a pivotal role to play in kitchens Yorkshire and it can be hard to see how a kitchen would operate without their help. Whilst porters are associated with washing, they have many other duties and are expected to be very versatile, and spend a lot of their time multi-tasking. In busy kitchens Yorkshire, a porter never stands still. Porters work in a variety of catering settings including hotels, restaurants, bars, canteens and leisure clubs. Porters are responsible for ensuring that all areas of a kitchen are kept clean at all times. Whilst chefs also are legally obliged to ensure that cleanliness is maintained, in reality it’s more likely that any cleaning obligations will be passed onto the porter because of the equally-heavy workload of the other kitchen staff.

Supporting a team

Porters in kitchens Yorkshire must ensure that all the tools needed by the cooking staff are constantly available, with the time frame between a dirty implement being handed to them and the item being completely clean again often being very small. Porters may find themselves at the receiving end of short tempers within the pressurised environment of the kitchen, due to the various demands placed upon all of the staff both inside and outside of the kitchen. Porters therefore need to maintain a thick-skin and remain calm under pressure when working in kitchens Yorkshire. Porters may also be asked to assist in basic food preparation, being responsible for side salads, starters and suchlike. This can make the life of the porter even more difficult, but if they can successfully navigate their way around the challenges set for them, it’s possible that they may be able to progress up the catering food chain in time.

A rewarding set of challenges

Porters working in kitchens Yorkshire will usually need a basic food hygiene certificate at least and will need to be informed of current food safety regulations at all times. They’ll generally be responsible for operating an industrial dishwasher, but this does not mean that they won’t have to clean some items manually, and they’ll nearly always have to scrape excess food waste from plates before they enter the machine. The life of a kitchen porter is a very tough, but can lead on to bigger and better careers in kitchens Yorkshire.



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