
Trim Trail Fun

It was a very frosty morning today, the type of day where you want to stay in and be cosy. However the dog did need a walk, and in all honesty needed a good run, too many short walks because of the weather. I decided to go a little further and visited the local park, only a short drive away. I fully expected that at 10am I would have the place to myself. How wrong I was.

The park has a fitness trim trail and has had for a few years now. It covers the central area very near to other playground equipment, in particular a spectacular pyramid climbing net. I was surprised by the number of people making use of the trim trail.

There was the unlikely couple, a grandfather and his grandson who looked to be about 6. They were going round together and each was doing their own thing at every station. They obviously had a routine; they knew what they were doing. It was good to see their quiet companionship as they worked out together.

Then there was the attractive young lady, I speculated, as you do, that she was a young mum who had left her child with her partner and was out using the trail to keep fit and to perhaps lose a few pounds. She was certainly pushing herself hard and sprinting between stations.

There was also a couple of young men who looked very fit, they had the fashionable sports gear and were very disciplined in how they were going round the circuit, using their watches to time themselves. In the space of time I was there they did at least two circuits. You could tell this was a regular occurrence; this was part of their fitness routine. I was musing on how much better it was for them to be outside in the fresh – albeit frosty air – exercising. This beats being cooped up in a gym any day.

Then there were a few teenagers larking about, chatting together and generally hanging out. They were watching the others out of the corner of their eyes. I thought how great it would be if next time I came back they were using the equipment to exercise rather than socialise. However there is the old saying that you can lead a horse to water……

Speaking of which I suppose the same goes for me. I was impressed by being out in the open air, using the equipment as one saw fit, and providing one’s own challenge and at one’s own pace. Next time the dog needs a longer run she can accompany me round the fitness trim trail.

For the best playground equipment and trim trails at the best prices then visit playground markings direct and see what creative fun equipment there is on offer.