Shops & Retail

Try a one-stop shop for top quality Net Curtains

I visited my mum recently and whilst I was there she mentioned she was on the lookout for a new set if Net Curtains. She bought her old set of Net Curtains quite a few years ago and they have served her proudly but sadly they have reached the end of their usable life. The time has come to replace the Net Curtains with something that’s a little more updated and mum wanted something stylish that would compliment the look of her lounge. Not being that knowledgeable about Net Curtains I told mum to leave it with me and I’d try to find somewhere that sold quality products that were priced for a competitive market. This was a job for the internet so I dutifully logged online and started the search for a net curtain supplier.

What did I find?

Unsurprisingly I discovered a number of sites that stocked Net Curtains of all descriptions. Some of them had quality jardinières others had voile panels and I struck gold by finding a site that sold beautiful window sets at unbeatable prices. They were called Avis and they have stocked top quality Net Curtains for well over 30 years. If mum was going to find her perfect set of Net Curtains then it would appear this would be the site it would happen, so I rang her and told her about my amazing discovery. She said the Net Curtains sounded perfect but wanted to see them for herself so she could pick and choose the ideal set. Mum doesn’t use the internet so I collected her and drove her back to my house, this way she could shop for Net Curtains for as long as she liked.

Did she buy a set of Net Curtains?

She sure did and once her new Net Curtains arrives mum was really delighted with the result. I’ve seen the quality of the Net Curtains and I have to say for the price they really do represent tremendous value for money. Mums said her new Net Curtains were much better than her old set, even when they were new they couldn’t compare to the look and the feel of the curtains that came from Avis super net curtain store. I’m guessing mum’s new Net Curtains are going to last her for quite a while but if she does need a new set in the future we both know where to shop for quality net products from now on.



Net Curtains available from We offer a wide range of quality net and voile curtains, at competitive prices. Visit us today if you are looking for Net Curtains.