
TV Dilemma

After the New Year I was just settling down to a relaxing time in front of the TV, an opportunity to catch up on all the material that had been recorded over the Christmas and New Year, when the phone rang. It was an elderly uncle seeking help with his new TV. After lots of nagging about his current 19 inch flat screen TV being too small he had bitten the bullet and bought himself a bigger and better model in the sales. He was now the proud owner of a 32 inch LCD Full HD TV, and would I come and help him work out how to install it?

The actual setting up of the set was relatively easy as most modern televisions have excellent instructions. I was worried that connecting up the separate DVD player would be problematical, but this also proved to be relatively straightforward. The set was soon in place, where the previous one sat. This is going to be used in the bedroom.

Now we hit our first problem, the set is much bigger than the old one and is really too big for the existing stand, it looks very precariously balanced. As my uncle is elderly this is a concern, and also when he has his young grandchild to visit this is an accident waiting to happen. It can remain there temporarily, but I needed to find a solution and quick.

When I suggested mounting it on the wall, he pointed out that because of the windows in the room and also the walls are displaying his prized family photographs, which he adamantly does not want to change, there is very little space to mount the set on the walls. However, I knew that there was a solution; we would purchase a cantilever wall bracket and fix the TV in the corner of the room. After initial scepticism he conceded that this would be excellent, in fact why had he not considered this before?

So guess where we are going tomorrow? Yes to purchase not one but two wall brackets as he himself suggested mounting the smaller set on the wall in the bedroom to keep it out of the way. Nothing fancy, just a flat mount will suffice. Now it is back to catching up with my viewing.


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