
Use Visitor Passes to enhance on-site health and safety procedures

Take a closer look at your existing Visitor Management systems are they projecting the right type of image for your company? Do your Visitor Passes help to streamline security within your business or are you still woefully lacking in that area? Visitor Passes help to improve the safety of your site they’re a useful tool that enables you to record the details of all the personnel that are on your premises at any given time. Simple but effective systems are easy to implement and they’re a brilliant way to enhance your corporate image. If you value the importance of health and safety on site provide guests with easy to read Visitor Passes.

Are Visitor Passes really that important?

Only you can answer that question but one thing is for sure, without some type of Visitor Management system how can you monitor the movements of personnel on site and if there’s an emergency, how can you tell who’s present and who’s missing? With Visitor Passes you have a record of the people that are visiting your premises and the moment they book in at reception you make a note of their details before handing them a pass. Visitor Passes control the people that are on your site, they act as a fire register and you have conformation at hand should you need to find out information for security or for health and safety purposes.

Great reasons to start using Visitor Passes

Implement a new Visitor Management system at work and you could be handing out Visitor Passes much sooner than you think. There are many reasons why you should consider using Visitor Passes in the future if you don’t already do so. Visitor Passes act as your fire register, they provide guests with vital information about health and safety and COSHH as well. You can print emergency regulations on Visitor Passes so guests know what to do in times of crisis and you have an up-to-date register if you need to refer to it in a hurry should an emergency situation arise. Visitor Passes make your business look more professional and they show you are a company that values the importance of reliable health and safety systems. If you don’t already use them it’s not too late, call South East Business Solutions for more information.



Visitor Passes available at We provide a wide variety of visitors passes, security and health and safety systems that reflect corporate image. Visit us today for Visitor Management.