
Used Cars for Sale

The used car for sale market is vast with numerous outlets available to buy from. It could be your local garage, or car dealership you buy from. It could even be a car supermarket or a private seller that you choose to buy your used car from. Wherever you buy your used cars for sale it always pays to check very carefully what you are buying.


If the price looks too good to be true, then it most probably is. If you are buying from a private seller always, always ask the seller why they are selling the car. Also check to see if they actually own the car as well. You will be surprised how many times this kind of fraudulent sale actually takes place.


Another good tip to remember if you are buying used cars for sale from private sellers is to always arrange to view the car at the seller’s house. Never meet at your house or a remote location. By doing this you can virtually eliminate the car is a stolen one. Also always take someone with you.


Make sure you always examine the cars service history. You can check with the garages that have serviced the vehicle if you like to make sure the history is valid and correct. Never agree to spare keys being sent to you through the post either. You would be surprised as to how many people fall for this old trick.


Buying from larger dealers and car supermarkets doesn’t mean you have to pay over the odds for your used car. Make sure you haggle the salesman and never pay the price that is displayed. You will be surprised at what you can get away with.


Brand new cars come with warranties of three years usually, but just because you are looking at used cars for sale doesn’t mean your new used car can’t have a warranty. Many reputable car supermarkets will now offer a year’s warranty on the car you buy.


These are just a few tips to bear in mind when you are next in the market for used cars for sale. It would be wise to follow them as you could save yourself quite a bit of cash in the long term.


Browse the Used Car Expert website if you are looking for used cars for sale online.