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Using a Mapping Expert to improve your business

Mapping expert consultants will have an extensive knowledge of many business mapping systems and resources and they will frequently be hired by companies who require a mapping expert for territory design, territory realignment, advanced map analysis, custom map layer creation, GIS consultancy, GIS data manipulation and transformation, training and other mapping related services. Many businesses rely heavily on mapping in order for them to run their business successfully and it tends to be companies who have a sales force, field staff or field engineers who need the help of a mapping expert for territory design. Ensuing territories are evenly spread and easy to navigate is essential to make the role of a sales force or field engineers as effective and successful as possible. Poor territory design will lead to lots of wasted time and missed opportunities as reps spend more time driving than they do with customers.

A mapping expert will use a range of expert tools and software to help them devise effective territory design plans. A mapping expert can help businesses to design maps that will highlight missed areas of opportunity that sales forces are not reaching GIS tools are essential for territory design and the mapping expert will use these to help businesses make cost savings, more effective business decisions, increase efficiency, improve communication and record keeping and to make the geographical management of businesses territories much simpler. In order to have a dynamic and effective sales force that are constantly growing the business companies should use the service of a mapping expert and invest in professional territory design to help grow their business and succeed in their marketplace.

A mapping expert will work with businesses in all industry sectors to offer territory design for a new business objective, to optimise or align existing sales territories, to create sales data analysis maps to show sales performance and opportunities, supply IMS overlays and other maps in popular formats, digitalise geographic data or custom boundaries and carry out training for companies who want more knowledge to be able to carry out their own territory design and have an in house mapping expert.



Get a Mapping Expert from We specialise in GIS consultancy, helping improve field design effectiveness. Visit us online today if you’re looking for sophisticated Territory Design.