
Welsh call centre awards take place

These days, contact centres have a great deal of call centre software to make the most of and this can help them to offer the best service to customers. From predictive dialler software to recording technology and much more, there are plenty of provisions for them to choose from.

Recently, a number of firms in Wales who have been making effective use of the resources available to them received awards for their achievements.

According to a report on Call Centre Helper, the Welsh Contact Centre Awards took place at Cardiff City Stadium. The annual event has been running for 14 years and it celebrates the excellence of individuals, teams and companies working within the country’s contact centres.

Managing director of the Welsh Contact Centre Forum Sandra Busby remarked: “All of the winners should be very proud of themselves. Individuals, teams and companies have been recognised for their achievements in keeping this industry one of the only ones in Wales to still be recruiting against the current economic backdrop.

“Their hard work and commitment to the customer ensures Wales is one of the best places in the UK to run a contact centre.”

The winners were presented with their accolades by Torchwood and West End star John Barrowman and a total of around 600 people attended the event.

Among those to enjoy success were Rebecca Cook of Conduit, Julia Phan of Admiral, Matthew Parry of British Gas, David Wright of Logica and Angela Amin of Barclaycard Loans.

Meanwhile, the new category of best call centre with less than 100 personnel was won by RCN Direct and the firm taking the titled of best call centre with more than 100 workers was British Gas.

By taking full advantage of the call centre software now available, including predictive dialler software and so on, firms can achieve a competitive advantage over their rivals.


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