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What Is Facilities Services Management ?

You might not know what facilities services management is when you first hear the phrase, but when you break facilities services management down into its individual parts you get an idea of what it is and how it works. Doing this only gives you a basic idea of what facilities services management is, but to illustrate let’s take a facility and a service like a leisure centre for example. The facilities services management department of this leisure centre must run it like a business but is held accountable to a public body rather than a head office, the management of the leisure centre is comprised of people representing the local body of which it is a part of, and individual management that is brought in from the jobs market in the same way it would be done in the private sector. Effectively facilities services management is a blend between the private and public sectors in terms of leadership and organisation, and while there are benefits and negatives to both of these, public bodies must strive to strike a balance in order to provide the best services and facilities for the general public that they are effectively working for.

Poor facilities services management can lead to very bad service and low class facilities. Public bodies quite often want to detract from this as it fuels the myth that the public sector is unable to get anything right and as a result is entirely pointless when it comes to providing services the private sector could give. The myth is just that, a myth, but poor facilities services management can indeed lead people to start believing it. Inversely some facilities services management in the private sector can build up an unhelpful dialogue too, mostly surrounding the money grabbing nature of corporate capitalism. This can be seen in facilities services management being very forceful on sales and not very forgiving of customers in terms of strategic pricing. Quite often the examples of this are exaggerations, but it really just goes to show how badly poor facilities services management can change the dialogue around a service.



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