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What to do with temperamental Turbo Chargers

Faulty Turbo Chargers are no laughing matter, replacement units aren’t exactly what you could class as cheap. Far from it, if you suspect there’s a fault with your turbo the first thing to do is ascertain the extent of the problem. Hopefully the damage won’t be too bad and the unit can be repaired, the worse case scenario is the entire part will have to be replaced. A little but of fault finding will quickly get to the bottom of the problem and then you can take the most appropriate course of action. Simple things like the air pipe to the turbo becoming blocked are easy fixes that can be resolved in hardly any time. If the boost is low this could be wastegate problems, if there’s a build-up of carbon this could indicate an issue with oil filters.

I’m not mechanically minded!

That’s not a problem there will be certain telltale signs that let you know if Turbo Chargers are having issues and need some kind of attention. For starters, the turbo might start to make strange noises and you’ll notice a loss of boost pressure. If you vehicle is fitted with a pressure gauge for the turbo the reading will be low, if not, it’s best to get it checked by an expert. There’s no point in taking chances with a suspect unit, act fast to save further expenditure down the line. Repairs on the unit in the short term can save you a whole heap of money in the long run.

Think you need a replacement?

Why not make sure for good? Get the part tested at a specialist site that supplies and fits Turbo Chargers for a living. Visit if in doubt, they remanufacture parts and sell brand new options as well. In many instances they can replace the centre housing rotating assembly (CHRA) on the part at a very affordable price. The thing to do is not overreact in a moment of panic and order new turbo chargers without establishing the true cause of the problem. They’re might be a really easy fix that gets your turbo back up to full pressure in next to no time and that’s going to save you a mega amount of money.



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